605-599-1234 don@fivestarltc.com

Experienced Strategy & Consulting

Five Star LTC provides strategy, marketing and leadership for software and consulting companies serving the skilled nursing and senior care markets


About Five Star LTC

We believe in taking cost and complexity out of senior care.  Our clients are the software and service providers who share this mission and help senior care centers put resources into patient care, not the back office.


As co-founders and CEO, we provided skilled nursing facilities the simple way to master Payroll-Based Journal reporting and compliance.

Our industry-leading software ensures accurate and auditable staffing reporting to CMS  and enables facilities to easily predict Five-Star ratings and evaluate staffing levels and scenarios.

Since merging ezPBJ with SimpleLTC, our unique approach and strategy to payroll-based journal compliance has been utilized by over 20% of nursing homes in the U.S.

MDS Consultants

For nearly a decade, we have served as a partner chief marketing officer guiding marketing and messaging for a fast-growing service provider in skilled nursing.

MDS Consultants makes skilled nursing facilities more proficient in skilled MDS documentation, ICD-10 coding, Interim Payment Assessments, Medicare regulations, reimbursement maximization and PDPM – ensuring facilities document and receive every dollar of reimbursement they have earned.

Dart Chart

Our team helped Dart Chart relaunch, target and market the leading revenue cycle management software for long term care facilities.  Dart Chart provides innovative software simplifying the contract and case management administration of skilled nursing facilities:

Smart Case Manager software eliminates redundant case management processes while capturing additional billable services

Smart Contract Manager ensures that every facility has access to the Managed Care contract details needed to ensure proper Levels assignments and comply with payor claim requirements

PBJ Central

Upon seeing an ongoing need, we created and co-founded PBJ Central to help industry practitioners learn and stay current with the ongoing compliance requirements of payroll-based journal reporting.

Our first-of-its kinds resource hub is a one-stop-shop for everything PBJ geared to help both the PBJ practioner and the quality and performance executives impacted by the PBJ-based Five Star and Minimum Staffing outcomes.


Joining SimpleLTC through the acquisition of our company ezPBJ, we helped sell and ensure customer success during a rapid period of growth.

SimpleLTC provides a number of software tools for skilled nursing facilities to optimize their Five Star ratings and PDPM reimbursement outcomes.


The team conducted market research, helped product design and launched an innovative new software tool doing digital Medicare certification management for nursing homes and home health agencies.

Adopters of MedCertHub are able to: 1) Send digital certifications to a providers’ cell phone, 2) Notify providers, who e-sign certs on their phone. No logins needed! and 3) Track incomplete and upcoming certifications and keep a digital archive of all your Medicare certifications.

Patient Pattern

We provided marketing, targeting and positioning strategy for an innovative, research-backed start up.

Patient Pattern software helps lower care costs and  improve clinical outcomes with a visual MDS record and accompanying patient frailty risk, readmissions risk and predicted frailty-based outcomes.

The Five Star LTC team

A thirty year partnership that started inauspiciously in a college Statistics class has grown across many joint endeavors.

Jenn Moenck Feige

Don Feige

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